Friday, September 12, 2008

Marilyn Monroe Unpublished Document Sensation

The decision from the court first request of the United States, district of the south of New York has impedetto the property of Marilyn Monroe (MMLLC) and the relative group of administration d authorization of Curtis dell agency (CMG universal) to support that Marilyn Monroe was nothing other but a Newyorkese. If Monroe were a permanent resident of California to the times of its dead women, MMLLC and CMG would be authorized to direct Monroe the right of of publicity and would watch l authorization of the images of the delayed star. Marilyn Monroe l inheritance of will remain in the public domain since has been determined that he was a resident of New York to the times of its dead women. The decision of the Court declares that Monroe the images of belong to their various owners of copyright, it allows than commercially to grant them to a licence liberations to theirs own photographies.. In the MMLLC and the last CMG it has tried to change Monroe residence of for being apt to theirs own scopes and insistito that they hold copyright to all the images of Monroe.

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